Sunday, July 1, 2012

Smith&Wesson 686

Ah the Smith&Wesson 686 .357 Magnum my most recent purchase. This is my first revolver and I am already in love. I have shot revolvers before but never really got into them. I have been looking at magnum revolvers for awhile but couldn't decide which one to get. The .44 magnums only shoot that caliber so you don't have a cheap alternative to load it with, the same with the 500 magnum. The 686 however allows you to shoot both the .357 and .38 special and the difference in price and recoil is huge. This gun isn't a large frame revolver yet it seems massive compared to any semi auto pistol. The ability to shoot double action and single action is a really nice treat. I feel that with revolvers you appreciate you rounds more, you tend to not shoot them so fast and try harder to get on target. With the ability to only hold 6 rounds at once I would describe shooting this as short and sweat. Nothing beats the sound of pulling back the trigger and hearing the click of the hammer when set in place to fire. I will be spending plenty of time on the range with this new gun and suggest the same for anyone looking for their first revolver. Prices are around $690-$730.

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